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Old 26th August 2012, 09:11 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by AJ1356
If you have a pic of something I can help you. As said before the mark is the royal government seal, the mosque symbol is not neccessarily of the mosque in Mazar e Sharif. However I have seen older peices with the city where is was made, stamped or engraved on them.
I thought I had corrected this b4. The mark is called Mehrab o Munbar, it is not a representation of a mosque but the representation of the ("alter area"/prayer area for the Imam) of the inside of a traditional mosque.

A search of Mihrab/Minbar would give you detail explaination and also more pictures. I just took one of the recent Afghan seals and marked the Mihrab and Minbar, The only time those 2 items were not part of the Afghan government seal was during the early part of the communist era. It signifies that the government is an Islamic government, again has nothing to do with the Mazar e Sharif mosque/shrine.
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Last edited by AJ1356; 26th August 2012 at 09:33 AM.
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