Thread: New Gunong
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Old 8th August 2012, 10:11 PM   #1
EAAF Staff
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Default New Gunong

Well, the wife has been at it again. She found this on epray and worked out a deal with its owner and now it has been added to my collection. It arrived today so I thought that I would show a few pictures of it for any comments on age or anything else (like if this is a tourist piece or not) that you would like to add.
The hilt I believe is ivory with what I believe to be swasa fittings while the guard is a combination of an engraved gold plated copper plate and an engraved silver plated copper plate. The scabbard is covered in decorative gold plated copper sheets and bands. Total length of the dagger itself is 12-7/8 inches with a 7-1/4 inch engraved laminated blade. My thanks in advance for any comments or information that anyone would like to offer.


Just to make things a little clearer, the "plating" on the scabbard is more like gilding than actual plating.
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Last edited by Robert Coleman; 9th August 2012 at 07:28 AM.
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