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Old 3rd August 2012, 10:54 PM   #6
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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It seems Ive seen or heard of these smallboat guns, and Bannerman was always a relatively little known denominator in the huge volume of surplus and 'acquired' arms in the early days of the 20th c. past WWII.
What came to mind for me was the bizarre rotating drum gun used by Christopher Walken in his 1981 movie "Dogs of War".

Apparantly this 'street sweeper' type gun (in the movie the fictional XM-18) was based on a 1936 development by Charles Manville in France, originally for 12, 12 guage shotgun rounds, but stated actually for tear gas grenades and flares. Later a 25mm version with 18rounds was developed for grenades however because of its weight loaded, was scrapped by 1943.

The movie sparked interest in these attention getting weapons, and a Frankford Armory began production of a version as seen attached with the movie poster for "Dogs of War".

Unclear on what weapon actually was used in those boats, but of course multiple and rotating barrel arms have been around since medieval times so not surprising..but would sure like to know more of them. Not really sure if this gun is one of the old 'Manville's' but possibly.
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