Honetly they are nice pieces and you should keep them. Worthy of our envy but worthier I think to keep within the context of family heirloom. Hopefully you can find out via the diary how he came into posession of these wonderful pieces.
Kai: How does one go about safely removing the asang-asang? On most pieces I have with asang-asang like this, they are locked onto the blade tightly. Is it a simple matter of removing the thin copper/brass sheets on the bottom of them that extend onto the hilt? I'm only guessing when I say I think this is how this style of asang-asang was tightened onto the blade, but having no experience in removing them I do not know for sure
Originally Posted by David
Gentlemen, please....a little decorum...we all know that this is not the proper forum for advancing offers to buy or sell...and please don't tell me there is no truth in your jest... 
I'm a firm believer of the Carlin and Pryor school of humor regarding truth in comedy.
I am NOT a firm believer, however, in breaking forum rules. My apologies, David. Will not happen again