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Old 2nd August 2012, 11:37 PM   #10
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

i have noticed that there are more kriss that have a longer straight tip ( mine is more wavey) is that a common practice for a straight tip?
There are like 4 major kris blade types:
1. a rare sabre-like blade with a single edge
2. straight (kalis tulid in Tausug)
3. half-waved (kalis taluseko)
4. fully waved (kalis seko)

Regarding the budiak: even a smooth blade like this may show some nice laminations upon etching (and even a twistcore surprise is not unpossible yet). Please keep us updated and post a close-up once you soaked the blade in diluted vinegar for removing the remaining rust.

BTW, it should be fairly easy to remove the hilt (and both silver asang-asang) from the blade of the kris once you carefully remove the grip binding which is loose, anyway. This will make working on the blade much easier!

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