Thread: Moro Kris?
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Old 28th July 2012, 02:43 AM   #15
EAAF Staff
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That would take a while Ariel. However to mention a few things:

1. there are differences in okir - Malay is more "realistic" than the more stylized forms used by Moro groups, even more than that of the Sulu region.

2. the pommel is often tilted at close to a 45 degree angle and smaller. Moro older forms may be smaller but are not as angled in general, and later ones are larger and again not as angled.

3. the hilt section between the blade and the pommel has a more sculpted shape, often without a ferrule to speak of. This section where a ferrule would be is also often much smaller than the rest of the hilt in circumference. In Moro forms the same region under the pommel is not as sculpted and there is a large ferrule - sometimes as large as half the hilt.

4. the clamps between the hilt and the blade on Malay pieces are very thin and plain, but Moro clamps are often wider, and can be plain or have Moro okir.

5. the scabbards of good Malay examples have very long band sections of Malay okir. Moro bands are not as long down the length but have thinner bands of plain or okir work.

These are just some of the things that come quickly to mind at the moment.
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