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Old 27th July 2012, 09:25 AM   #5
colin henshaw
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 1,429

Hi Lew

There is an illustration of a Swahili carved wooden door from Tanzania, that incorporates the chain motif, in the book "Africa The Art of a Continent" by Tom Phillips 1995. I'm not sure if I can post an image, for copyright reasons ? but its on page 146, and is from the Staaltliche Museen zu Berlin. The text says the chain is said to symbolise security.

The chain as a carved symbol seems reasonably widespread in Africa, I have also seen it employed in Yoruba woodcarving, also in Congo material (I think).


Originally Posted by Lew
Hi Colin

That's what I first thought but the chain link motif throws me off. Is there any reference that East African tribes used the style of carving?
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