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Old 2nd July 2012, 07:34 PM   #7
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Hi Cerjak. Nice looking Caucasian rifle. Maybe a bit of Persian influence on the lock. Is the barrel rifled or smoothbore?
Agree with Norman about the wormholes. Have to be careful. But, as Norman says the break in the stock can be repaired better at a later date. The color and grain of the wood on this piece - as well as the barrel - are very attractive.
I've been looking for one of these Caucasian long arms myself for quite a while. And your right, the prices for Causasian weapons - especially the guns - seems to be going through the roof, especially the last 6-7 years. The long arms are more difficult to locate than the pistols. But even the pistols - at least hear in the States - are bringing large price tags
I still think it's a nice piece and would not mind having it myself. Still looking Thanks for posting. Rick.
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