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Old 25th June 2012, 05:58 PM   #42
Ibrahiim al Balooshi
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Originally Posted by spiral
Many thanks Dom!

Yes Ibrahiim , Ive seen that stamp, is it applied on a seperate piece of metal? I dont know if thats common in Yemeni jewelry , but in many countries it how stamps are "moved" from one peice of jewelry to another to give fake provinance.

So the Muslim one we can discount for this discusian.

Here a picture showing the front of the chape carrying the same mark as yours Khanjar.

I have clipped it down in size as it is still currently for sale. {Unfortuanatly its hilt is very sad one. }


Salaams spiral. This is great support work and thanks to Dom.. What seems to be confirmed is the same stamp on a girth belt buckle at #1 and a stamp on a separate scabbard plate from a different Thouma shown. I think the Islamic stamp on the jewellery is worth noting (it is excellent to have stamps looked at from the region and well worth cataloging.) but may be sidelined from this debate since the major probe is on Jewish-Yemeni work.

I remind Forum that the rectangular plate at # 1 is older than the other furniture on the weapon and that as yet no ID has been received(yet) of other stamps on the #1 item. In addition questions on authenticity of hilt (and hilt adornment) and blade remain placing pressure on the likelihood of this being all of one workshops namely the House of Baws and pre 1949, though, frankly the thread moves on and hopefully can address other issues concerning Jewish-Yemeni craftsmanship, style and stamp recognition.
Ibrahiim al Balooshi.
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