Salaams all~ Nice reference by Spiral. Heres the full story on that ~ see
~and the biography of this amazing man (Schuyler V.R. Camman) which can be seen on
interesting jambiya on eBay by Lew at #40. The stamps shown by Spiral are very significant as one is identical to the mark at #1 of this thread.

I am sure that Dom will be all over these stamps fairly immediately !
I wonder if anyone has the stamp record I showed previously as
Garner, R. 2003 The maker's mark in Yemeni jewelry. Ornament 26 (4): 38-41.
The Cammann visit was sometime ago... 1977 therefor I expect documentary proof in work written since then to be further enhanced and look forward to getting Steven Gracies book.
Ibrahiim al Balooshi