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Old 22nd June 2012, 07:00 AM   #13
Ibrahiim al Balooshi
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Location: Buraimi Oman, on the border with the UAE
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Salaams all ~ Just swinging back doing damage control and so I can now confirm the existence of Habaabi as a place in the ballpark area known as the Fifa region, sometimes referred to as The Jazan Region (the 3rd port of KSA) and in the Yemen border encompassed by KSA in the 1920s. To ethnographic dagger enthusiasts it is also known as Habaabi when refering to daggers. Confused~ I was ~ It took me a year and a half to discover that lot. The similarities to the Royal Khanjar of Oman are remarkable thus I link its design as having migrated through trade from Muscat after the Royal Khanjar design by the Persian Princess Sheherazade for her husband Said Bin Sultan ~ The Ruler.
To link my thread The Omani Khanjar is worthwhile.
Ibrahiim al Balooshi.
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