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Old 18th June 2012, 11:38 PM   #11
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 409


Now that we have your support I'm sure we will be successful.

I have a vision of what we might produce. Of course, there will be others, but this may be a place to start. Also, you may even had a design in mind.

There are essentially three primary variables: places, weapons and ethnic groups. All three could be arranged and accessed in a pick list index or by manual search entry. Names swords/knives (maybe with a thumbnail) like takouba, flyssa, shamshir or kukri (up to 40-50? different names, maybe) plus more generic items like clubs, spears, shields. Ethnic groups like Moro, Hadendawa, Rashaida, Baggara and Afar. Regions like Indonesia, Balkans, Sudan, Ottoman Empire, Hausa States with their sub-regions.

I can see using Google Earth tied to a GIS program to "fly" to a region (say Indonesia) and at a certain "altitude" all the different types of catalogued weapons would appear in icon and along with ethnic group's territory within sub-regions. Closer zoom or pointing to a particular icon would enter the database content.

Content could include 1) identifying photo (s) entire weapon and distinguishing characteristics, 2) range of variations 3) Historic / period photos of ethnic groups so armed, historical maps of various ethnic groups homeland and territory 4.) descriptive text of primary weapon and support items like helmet and shields, 5) "Free use" relevant articles, other text or content, 6.)Text and photos of contemporary uses if any.

Content of any one weapon or area could be contributed by multiple authors. You as the editor would screen and select the most appropriate submissions.

This could be a fun project.
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