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Old 13th June 2012, 02:42 PM   #18
Keris forum moderator
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Here's my two cents...
1) I'm not sure why this is necessarily a Western repair. The hilt seems asian and may well have been added by an asian owner.
2) The hilt seems to have some age and to have been in place for some time.
3) Though untraditional it is not particularly unattractive.
4) It seems to have been attached well and securely. I can't tell from the photos though if the baca-baca is engaged/attached to the hilt. If it is that is an extra point for leaving it as is.
5) I don't think we will ever know exactly when, where or why this hilt was added to this kris. Some assumptions have been put forth, but i believe that conjecture is a bit meaningless in this case.

It seems to me that we are often all too interested in "creating" our own perfected/ideal artifacts, upgrading this and changing that to meet our own expectation of what we want out collectable to be. History isn't perfect or ideal. I am not opposed to conservative approaches to restoration, but from my perspective i believe that sometimes we should simply accept a weapon for what it is, especially when we have no direct knowledge of it's history or how or why it has become what it is.
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