Originally Posted by Sajen
Do you can post some results?
Ooppss, sorry. The last year was a quite busy one and i'm just catching up on reading all the posts on this forum.
I built a test-setup large enough to contain a rusty crow-bar. As power-supply i used a computer power supply that is able to deliver 5A @12V. The counter electrode was a steel-band roughly the same length of the crow-bar and placed parallel to the crow-bar. The electrolyte used was sodium carbonate. And this is what happened: The power supply immediately switched off. I guess it detected a short. So i started pulling the setup out to see at what length of crow-bar could be cleaned with my setup (don't try this at home!). Turns out 40cm of crow-bar can be cleaned with this rather primitive setup. Putting in a high-power resistor that limits the current to 5A (2.4Ohms) would probably allow larger items at the cost of speed and isotropy.
However, i didn't follow that path because i didn't manage get the hilt off and i didn't want to stain the hilt with the rather nasty electrolitic solution. So i went to the classic approach with low concentration citric acid...
The results can be seen in the attached photos. The blade lamination that is not really visible on the photos shows a small edge around a uniform core.