Originally Posted by ariel
I would not beat on Ibrahim THAT hard. I did not detect anything obnoxious, condescending or annoying in his comments. Just a bit too far out in left field:-)
He means well, he is obviously passionate about old weapons and wants to make this Forum better. The idea is obviously cockamamie :-), but don't we all have crazy ( at least in retrospect) ideas? That's the beauty of this Forum!
Ibrahim, I salute your creativity and passion, but this idea ain't gonna fly.
Best wishes!
Frankly Ariel, i'm not "beating" on Ibrahiim at all. I merely let it be known that i found his comment (the one i cited) obnoxious and condescending and i am not alone on that take. If you did not that is just fine, but it does nothing to change how i feel about the comment.
Actually gentlemen, i'd say that this thread is not going anywhere productive and i have a feeling that it will be closing soon. So if you have any comments to share pro or con on this issue i would suggest that you get it out quickly and civilly.