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Old 3rd June 2012, 08:01 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Ibrahiim al Balooshi
At any rate it is not my intention to drag it screaming and digging in its heels, therefor, I leave my thoughts on this subject to provide a beacon of light should the discussion be re examined (by some passing space ship in the 21 century?)
Frankly Ibrahiim, i am finding your condescending tone here just a bit annoying. Your idea that we are all somehow resisting such an obviously brilliant beacon of light shining so brightly that only the ignorant can, well, ignore it, is really quite obnoxious.
I am not going to step too far into the many reasons why this will never happen on this forum, though a few obviously come to mind. Since there are clearly no pre-existing degree programs in this field, who will be the professors of this new school? Who is fully qualified to create the curriculum, who will devise the rubrics, who will grade the work and grant the "degrees"? What will these "degrees" mean in the world at large? To carry any weight at all in the academic world the program would need to be officially accredited. Without that the "degrees" would be meaningless beyond the "walls" of these fora. Do you have any idea what that would take to accomplish? Finally, do you intent on us having a program that covers all ethnographic weapons or just your own area of interest? Just the study of keris alone is a lifetime's endeavor. How would you ever expect to create a comprehensive learning center here that can cover all aspects of this vast and diverse subject?
I respectfully suggest that you shop this idea somewhere else or perhaps consider starting your own website to accommodate it, because as i believe you have already heard from a number of the moderators on this forum, it not going to happen here...
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