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Old 3rd June 2012, 01:24 PM   #10
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,964

Neither do I Dan. He was a craftsman who was working in Solo at that time. He did wayang puppets, keris decoration, and other similar things. Some people said he was the best working then, and amongst the best ever. Maybe he was for a while, but then his eyes started to go, his quality dropped off, and he turned to other means of support. I forget exactly what he went into, maybe some sort of food production, or it might have been something to do with clothing. I really forget.

A correction. I said all these were done by Legiman. Not true. He did all the keris, I don't know who did the two wedung scabbards, because I ordered them through a third party.
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