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Old 2nd June 2012, 10:36 PM   #13
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Denmark
Posts: 157

I'd like to support the last two points of view.
I do this for fun, and because its great to learn more, but if it became 'accredited' and I suddenly began to feel that I should up my game, then it would be just like work, and the fun would go out of it pretty fast. Like a number of others here (as far as I can gather), I am also a professional academic in a whole other field, and that functions nothing like the EAA forum. The differences being that 1) by and large most people here are happy to share and help those just starting out or asking questions because they would like to learn more. 2) here you can make mistakes, use the smiley and not worry - this should not be confused with professional academic practice.
The forum makes a fantastic contribution to the knowledge in the area precisely because anyone can contribute and people feel relaxed about doing this regardless of their status. So my personal point of view is please leave the friendly and well functioning forum alone.
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