Originally Posted by Lew
Salaams Ibrahiim
Most PhDs have degrees it art and minor history or are doctorates in history with a dual doctorate in art there are few doctorates handed out specially for historical arms and armor. So certification from an accredited college is really not the way to go. As far as having a separate section of the forum I don't think it will float with the rest of the team. There would be too many legal hassles to over come.
Salaams Lew ~ Thank you for your reply and points noted are understood particularly on the legal issues, however, Forum has produced what is probably the finest resource in this field and notwithstanding the inability of universities to recognise the specialisations contained within our "society" to date ~ Does this mean they will forever be in denial ?
I hope that I am not straying too far from the original post in bringing this subject to the table. I should also add that I speak not only of certification at the top end but at all levels as required, therefor, as a broad and general approach to the betterment of all concerned I would advise certification at juniour, intermediate and senior levels; 75% of which could be administered by the forum without recourse to accrediting bodies. Naturally when I speak about degrees and doctorates of excellence that would need underpinning
for example by SOAS. The School of Oriental and African Studies or similar.
It is understandable that peoples approach when you mention intellectuals and academics can be sometimes negative but this is a very passe reaction because nowadays Universities (by definition) are for
everyone as are its rewards. It seems to me that since we are at the forefront of research in the vast majority of chosen sub-fields of historical weaponry that we ought to benefit from that.
Having the added responsibility for leading the project into the educational sector is something we ought to take on with open arms... since we are leaders in the field.
It would probably change nothing but it would probably enhance everything.
Ibrahiim al Balooshi.