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Old 2nd June 2012, 06:20 AM   #9
Amuk Murugul
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Originally Posted by mross
I would not worry too much about academic standards. Just look at the number of mislabeled weapons in museums. The best standard I have seen is Oakeshott, and he was more learned collector than academic. We do have a few academics on this sight that know their stuff, but I would trust a old time collector before most academics.
Hullo everybody!

Hear hear, mross!

In my experience, I have come across many places where articles have been 'misrepresented'.
In the beginning, I tried to subtly inform the appropriate parties about said situations. The bottom line was, they would allow me no credibility unless I showed my 'pedigree'.
I now no longer engage in this exercise in futility.
I prefer to be taken at face value and allow the other party to otherwise disbelieve me. I am loathe to reel out 'pieces of paper'/name-drop etc. every time someone disbelieves me.

My basic philosophy is that there are 'parallel truths' in this world, depending one's perceptions/beliefs.
I use other works as a guide and try to locate the 'original' source. Having done this, I will then try to conduct my own evaluation.

BTW ..... has anyone tried to correct sellers on THAT online bidding site? The vast majority basically ignore you .....for one reason or another.

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