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Old 21st May 2012, 01:17 AM   #8
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

Dan, the romantic aspect of I think perhaps all edged weapon collecting is something that I think of as "the Silk Road Syndrome" .

Its the old "Sun Comes up Like Thunder" --- Raffles --- Kipling --- Lord Jim thing that some of us --- me included --- have floating around in the back of our minds.

It can take a few different forms, and these forms will usually reflect our own personal characteristics, but at base its a form of escapism --- and there ain't nuttin wrong with that. Helps us cope with the insanity of modern life.

This attitude does seem to be extremely prevalent when it occurs in partnership with the keris, and it can be noted not only with collectors in the western world, but also in Jawa, where they have their own version of reference points --- obviously Kipling is not going to work in Surakarta.
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