Thread: Ineresting Dirk
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Old 13th May 2012, 12:55 PM   #8
Tim Simmons
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Looking in {British and Commonwealth Military Knives - Ron Flook} helpful and interesting book when it comes to this sort of thing. This can only be a private purchase ww1 knife. Without uploading pages and pages here are a few pictures that illustrate the variety and resouceful knives manufactures came up with in war time production. The knife made from the Gras bayonet was manufactured by W.W. Greener, they also made other knives using the Gras bayonet. Interesting knife with a similar brass guard made by Robins Dudley. Very similar bayonet blade and formed leather scabbard, suggested handle has been replaced. The fact that well known makers were converting bayonets and other sharp steel into trench and other fighting knives helps to explain why the example I show if of a high professional standard. The lack of marks is not unusual either.
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