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Old 11th May 2012, 04:47 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Denmark
Posts: 157
Question Materials for restoring a kaskara hilt

Hi folks

Ive posted this elsewhere but with no luck, so I'm hoping someone here might be able to point me in the right direction.

I'm in process of restoring a kaskara that came as a rather sad and rusty piece (old thread here), and I was hoping the practical folks here might be able to help me with some questions.

I've done the blade work and cleaned as far as I want to using very gentle methods (primarily pineapple juice and lots of time, but the occaisional use of scotch-brite for heavy deposits, and even a scalpel for really nasty lumps). Same treatment for the guard, and now I'm happy with the metal work.

The next step is the grip and pommel. The pommel I can make from a piece of wood using other kaskara I own as a pattern, and the existing wood grip is fine and can be re-used. The problem I have is how to recreate the windings used to cover the grip and leather for the pommel. I don't have enough of the original of either and so I'd like to replace with new.

So here are my questions:
1) Is it possible to get something like this winding - as far as I can see it is a very thin kind of rattan or similar vegetation-based material?
2) How might this have been applied? - e.g. would it be soaked and applied. It also looks as though there is a kind of glue holding some of it in place, almost like thin wood glue or waxy substance.
3) The pommel was I think covered in thin goat skin leather. I can find big pieces of thick leather, but this very fine leather is eluding me, again any suggestions?

Failing the above I will have to go for the easier option of brass or silver wire, or leather for the windings - but much less authentic, at least for this old warrior.

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