Jim, we did indeed. Temporary brain failure managed completely to miss the fact, as well as the difference between quartered and flaunched. I confess I'm still at sea when it comes to markings, to a great extent; guess that's the penalty of youth for you.
I agree that these aren't badly done duplications, especially around the tails. The problem area seems more the names than anything else. They look very much cruder than even the cheapest of European locks from the 18th Century that I've seen. Added to which, the screws are almost always a giveaway with these Afghan locks, as Rick noted.
Still, they can be very good. My latest has a very nicely replicated lock, the only problem being that it carries a rampant lion and a date stamp of 1811. The engraved border is very well done and the rampant lion itself, despite heavy pitting, is still quite clear and looks good. I find myself wondering if our friends in the Khyber have acquired a set of old EIC stamps from somewhere!