Cerjak, photos of the insides of the locks would be great. I have been working on one of my Afghan locks recently, and even though the outside had spurious markings, they were so well done, I wasn't
sure they were spurious until I got a good look at the inside. Pity they were, since I thought I might have some new and exciting transitional gun lock!
I agree about the barrels. Maybe it's just me, but I tend to reckon the heavier the better with jezail barrels, simply because I have read that this was exactly what their traditional barrel suppliers thought. Presumably it's thus more likely that a jezail with a big heavy tube has a real, old barrel.
I get the impression that newer jezail stocks are a bit thicker and heavier than the older ones, too, maybe to fit the inlays. I have 3 of my own, as you may know; all 3 have pretty thin stocks beyond the lock, mostly thinner than a contemporary European gun, but they also don't have any inlays. Anyway, that might suggest that #2's is the older again. The trouble is, of course, than #1 just might have been a good, thick stock that's recently been sanded.
These inlays, mind, can look very nice indeed. For instance:
http://www.armscollectors.com/darra/afghanold.htm (scroll down to the bottom!)
Edited to add: And no apologies for the poor English. My French extends as far as "excuser-moi s'il-vous plait, do you speak English?"

Better with German, though: "Entschuldigen Sie, bitte, mein Herr; sprechen Sie Englisch?"