Originally Posted by David
I realize that i will probably be in the minority on this here, but outside the rarity of this form i would not be that driven to own this piece (meaning i would not consider it a bargain  ). For me it is always the blade that determines if a keris is for me, not the dress. That is not to say that i don't appreciate nice dress forms (tho one included), but i am not going to collect a keris solely for it's dress. The blade here is not only in a badly rusted condition (though probably not beyond saving), but it was never much to write home about in the first place. It's not a matter of it's simplicity. Simplicity can be elegant and artistic and i believe we see many Malay keris that are just that. But this blade does nothing for me.
The dress is indeed a rare form and will no doubt be stunning if it gets restored, but without a blade of good character at this ensembles heart it doesn't hold my interest for long. 
Hello David,
do you remember my tajong?
The blade was as well in a very very poor condition (post #13) and after a longer bath in lemon acid it was a nice looking blade again, maybe not the high level but good enough (# 31).
I don't think that the blade of the coteng will have a remarkable pamor and the blades of coteng are most of the time rather simple (look here:
http://kerisarchipelago.150m.com/webpage/Tajong2.htm or here:
http://www.vikingsword.com/vb/showth...ghlight=coteng or here:
http://www.vikingsword.com/vb/showth...ghlight=coteng or here in post #9:
http://www.vikingsword.com/vb/showth...ghlight=coteng, the only really good blade you can see in the same thread in post #1.
What I want to say is, that I believe that the blade from the coteng in question will have a acceptable good looking blade which will not be more worse as the ones you can see in the links in up.
And I have really nice blades in my collection which have had a look like this blade in the moment and now this are nice ones after cleaning and etching.
So I still believe that the buyer know why he give $ 920 for this coteng.
Best regards,