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Old 27th April 2012, 04:57 PM   #12
Jens Nordlunde
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Sorry, maybe I was a bit harsh in my reply, but it can sometimes be a bit tiring to see the same questions being asked again and again, and the one asking the question, of course, hope for/expects an answer to the question.

When using the search button a lot of the more general questions can be avoided, as the answers mostly can be found in earlier posts.

Attached are details of two pattern-welded blades. It is obvious that an artist made one of the blades, and that the other one was made by someone with lesser skill.

I know the rule is, not to show details alone but also to show the whole weapon, as I have done so before I hope I will be excused for only showing the details.
Attached Images

Last edited by Jens Nordlunde; 27th April 2012 at 05:11 PM.
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