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Old 20th April 2012, 02:38 PM   #12
Ibrahiim al Balooshi
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Originally Posted by archer
Salaams Ibrahiim, In trying to clarify I've muddled things a bit. My last post shows an older Khanjar belt attachment from an eight ringed Muscat Khanjar.
I was trying to show how different the newer one is by comparison. What is the link attaching the belt to the Khanjar called? Great photo of a very proud young man and his Dagger. Thanks, Steve Oh, Checked and your right rings are cast as two joined halves. See photo.

Salaams archer ~ ... No its not confusing although of all the khanjar types in Oman this is the style that most people become unstuck upon. Many simply jump to the conclusion that because it has 7 rings it must be Omani. The fact is that it does look similar to the untrained eye. Often, however, in the case of the Saudia/Yemeni variant the body is thinner or less broad and the Quba is fatter moreover the work is different as it contains a lot of sand cast technique whereas Omani craftsmen use more chasing, embossing(repousse) and engraving. The Saudia Yemeni hilt configuration is quite distinct. What confuses the inexperienced even more is the similarity in hilt between the Yemeni and the Salalah (Dhofari Omani) khanjar but after handling a few hundred the diferences become obvious...

I remember your nice 8 ringer which is a Muscat Khanjar even though 8 rings is quite an odd configuration they do exist and differ from the Royal Khanjars by having a normal hilt (and an extra ring).

Your first picture shows another weapon with different configuration and a fatter Quba and sand castings and a strange ring set-up on a blade unknown in Oman; This weapon belongs in the Yemen/Saudia Group as illustrated by my picture previously and so far as I can deduce is from Faifa in the southern tip of Saudia that used to belong to Yemen. The similarities to this and the Royal Omani Khanjar and the Muscat variant are obvious but the precise link is undocumented as yet.

I am searching to discover the name of the securing chain (its name does not exist in any reference Ive seen) and as yet I need to interview the Yemeni souk shop-man here in Buraimi.

The interview has just been done and he confirms the above paragraphs on location for the dagger style though as well as pinpointing the Jazan in Southern Saudia he insists on using the term Hababi which though I can find no place of that name appears to be generic. He further confirms Faifa and that entire southern region as origin to that weapon. There were a few junior versions of that dagger in his store so I took a picture.

Regards Ibrahiim al Balooshi.
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Last edited by Ibrahiim al Balooshi; 20th April 2012 at 04:29 PM.
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