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Old 19th April 2012, 07:34 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Swordfish
When I started collecting, I was also fascinated of such big swords, and acquired one. That was a great mistake, and I sold it again as fast as possible(luckily without a loss). These swords are no real weapons, they are only for processional use, and the quality is most often not the very best. Hundreds of these swords with or without a waved blade have survived, and on nearly every auction appear one or more. Nevertheless there are always some crazy bidders, who pay incredible prices for them, sometimes more than for genuine medieval swords in not excavated condition. No serious collector should have such swords in his collection.

Omg, I have a couple of these swords in my collection. fortunately only a few percent

do you mean with "only processional use", similar Processional use as the very fine mail coat you put in a thread on this forum?

this statement varies between quite amusing and absolutely nonsense of course, I know beautiful medieval processional swords that I would love to see in my collection.

picture tower of London around 1400, length 2.70??
picture topkapi sword, palace istanbul allover length 270cm, blade 205cm x 10cm ,cross 66cm , pommel 13cm
picture landeszeughaus Graz (photo carl Koppeschaar)

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Last edited by cornelistromp; 19th April 2012 at 07:45 PM.
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