Originally Posted by Ibrahiim al Balooshi
Salaams archer~ In respect of the 7 ringer ~Yes I understand. The dagger is not Omani. The Quba is slightly fatter and the silver belt attachment is thin ..The rings are wrong for the Omani type. The silver work is more akin to Yemeni style "sand cast" and the decoration on the hilt is typical for the non Omani description. Its from Saudia with Yemeni influence. Probably from Faifa(sometimes spelled Fifa) in Saudia in the southern corner; Though this is under research for an exact location see the website NOTE 1. below for a reference.. Your part picture of an Omani Khanjar illustrating the rings and belt section doesnt show the hilt so I cannot say if it is the Royal or the other khanjar (Muscat) which has a tee shaped hilt on 7 rings..Show the whole item and I will tell you its provenance please.
Regards Ibrahiim al Balooshi.
NOTE 1; For a picture of similar go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/mytripsmypics/4318547823/
NOTE 2; See The Omani Khanjar for a work in progress on Omani style.

Check the first pic of this post.