Salaams ; For Library; Another Khanjar. A Baatina coast variant.. Ok Batina coast is described from the book OLD OMAN BY W. D. Peyton ISBN 900 988 148 and which I recommend to Forum. ~ Quote "It begins at Qurm not far from Mutrah and runs uninterupted for 175miles in a generally western direction to Khor Fakkan and Diba where it meets the mountains of Musandam". Unquote.
Omani Khanjar with some gold wash and on a stiff cloth woven belt in ancient geometric design. The key point on this variant is the hilt which is Rhino or Wahid al garn...The One Horn. Called somewhat puzzlingly here Zraf... but not to be confused with giraffe ! I should mention the good blade here as it has a thud when flicked with the finger not a ring. Blades that ring are regarded as pretty useless whereas a dull thud or PLUNK ! indicates quality. I have been trying to ascertain the other test which is smell and taste. Old blades smell old. Its true they do! Like a sort of damp cloying arabian perfumed pair of shoes that have been in a spices cupboard for 10 years.. The old blades have a slightly thick cloying aroma compared to new blades that smell new...

I havent got the taste thing sorted yet as they all taste the same to me
Regards Ibrahiim al Balooshi.