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Old 18th April 2012, 04:12 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by dbhmgb
Sorry, it is a "keeper" to me. I happen to like this keris for several reasons. This is a keris with it's own history and character that I can appreciate. Perhaps I am a home to unwanted kerises? If so, I am proud of that.
You don't need to say sorry, when you like it, keep it.

This keris was rehilted since the blade and sheath are old but the hilt is much more recent and really unskilled worked.

A second point: The keris itself coming from a high culture and need care. Repairing the broken wrongko, polishing the wood and the pendok and changing the hilt would be the minimum what i would do with this keris when I like it. I have collected several keris in Indonesia and ebay as well which has been in a pitiful state. The most of my keris are not worked from high skilled empus or pande but I have tried to bring them in a status which is worth to keep them for coming generations.

Look for example to this keris. I have bought it years ago for very low money in Indonesia. It was in a very similar state as your keris. The blade have had corrosion, the sheath was in a real poor condition and the hilt was a similar one you have at your keris. The blade was cleaned and have get a new stain, the sheath (the break repair was before) have get some care (the worm holes in the back was filled with wood filler and it has get a polish with some coats of shellack), the mendak and hilt was replaced by better ones. Now, also when it is not a keris of high level, it is one which have a cultural worth (IMHO).
When I have written before that your keris isn't a "keeper" it was based upon the fact that I have the opinion that you and nobody else will be able to bring the blade alive. And the blade is the heart of every keris.

And at last, I only can second the words from Rick, very wise words.

Sorry for the poor pictures, have taken them just in the moment to show you what I mean.


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