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Old 15th April 2012, 07:06 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by dbhmgb
Where does one buy a used sheath?
Dan, as i believe Alam Shah mentioned on your other thread, we all come to collect keris for different reasons and collect and maintain our collections to suit our own perimeters. In regards to this sheath, i would personally be fine just keeping it as is. No, it is not up to the general specifications that keris dress from this area try to meet and it certainly is no where near the Royal dress which Bluerf has shown here. BUT....this is not a royal court keris. The sheath was obvious made specifically for this blade in a traditional setting and context. It is village work for a village keris, but for me it has a certain character that has collectable value to my eye regardless of it not being a perfect form. It would be far too frustrating (and unaffordable) for me personally to collect keris with perfection of ideal form in mind. What i do insist on in my collection is "character".
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