Thread: Not a kukri...
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Old 15th April 2012, 12:02 PM   #27
David R
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For my twopennyworth, the grip looks to be a replacement, which is why it does not fit well to the "bolster". It is certainly not up to the workmanship of the blade. Re the engraving, that is neatly done and looks right to me. Anyone who has tried engraving steel will tell you that it is not easily done, which is why acid resist etching tends to be so common on the tourist pieces.
Try giving it a quick/light surface etch/stain with vinegar or cola on a limited area to see if there is an inserted edge or differential temper. I did that on one of my unknowns and it revealed an edge treatment that sent me off in a different and successfull direction of search. Swasticas are/were used by many cultures including Native American and Bronze age European before the Nazis spoiled it for everyone. The eye symbol also appears in a lot of cultures, still painted on boats in the Mediterranian and, I believe, the Pacific.

Last edited by David R; 15th April 2012 at 12:10 PM. Reason: Some more thought on the subject.
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