Thread: Display Rack
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Old 14th April 2012, 04:12 AM   #21
DaveA's Avatar
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Default very nice!

Gorgeous display. Great ideas! Thanks for posting the pictures.
- D

Originally Posted by Atlantia
Hi Stan,

Those martial arts racks are aimed at Katana and pole shafts etc.
They are great for swords in hard scabbards. So if you've got a lot of Dha or Golok or military sabres with metal scabbards etc... Then they are great and a cheap way to show off your weapons.

If you've got a lot of bare blades then they will tend to lean back in the slots on that sort of rack, You'll have to use blu-tak or something to keep them straight.
For bare blades you really want something a little different. I came up with using angled dowels on flat 'pillars'.
Here are pictures of the two racks that I made.
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