Thread: Shafwa or Matwa
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Old 12th April 2012, 09:55 PM   #3
kahnjar1's Avatar
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VERY NICE piece Richard. My call is Yemen for this one, but based only on the scabbard style. Shafra is usually the term applied to the small knives which are found behind the Jambiya/Khanjar (pic attached) but this one appears too big for this purpose. There is a larger utility knife also from the Arabian Peninsula called a KHUSA which usually comes with a scabbard of some sort and is made in various styles.
It should be noted, and I think Elgood mentions this also, that the name for various knives is applied to different styles, depending on where on the Peninsula one happens to Shafra/ Matwa/Khusa etc could be applied to the same knife although to us collectors they are quite different.

Regards Stu
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