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Old 29th March 2012, 10:46 PM   #1
David R
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Default Small blade for ID.

Another one of my junk box finds, but quite a nice one. 20cm long overall, 3.5 cm at it's widest point and a hefty (for it's size) 7.5 mill wide at it's base. I bought it at an antiques fair for a pittance, and I suspect it may be wootz, it has that feel about it, very fine grain, slightly greasy like silver.
What I am hoping someone can tell me is, where it is from, and what sort of hilt it would have had. I have found blades of the same basic flame shape in my books, but none with the same ogee detail at the heel of the blade.
Once I have some idea, I can then make a replacement grip, and put it on my wall. I suspect it had a V nice grip originaly, stripped to go on a better blade, or even scrapped for the metal value.
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