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Old 23rd March 2012, 12:39 AM   #14
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 83

The classic pommel of the takouba, according to Morel (1943) that collected data in the field, has the form of a shield, a miniature shield-amulet, called darôr, that indicates a magic metal created to protect the owner. The use of copper as talisman is also well known and again confirmed by Morel. To the talisman effect of the copper in the pommel, copper or brass is frequently used in the pommel and the scabbard. Morel also explain that the symbols decorated on the visible face of the guard and scabbard are all talismanic used to protect the owner and to reflect the bad eyes and the evil spirits. He also specify that the maâllermin (the Tuareg smiths) usually repair and model the blades that came with the caravans from abroad. May be you will like to know that before to choose a good steel (elhend) it is a common practice to keep the blade in water for 40 consecutive days in order that a series of small reddish dots appear. They will be removed in a later time, The Tuareg also have a classific of the blades according to their properties and I enclose my translation from French.
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