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Old 21st March 2012, 07:07 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Ibrahiim al Balooshi
Salaams kahnjar1. Look at the sword. It is a classic design . The fact that the blade may be for some reason not springy enough to fit the criteria of aproximate 90 degree bend is outside my control. Its a brand new item... who knows what specification that factory is using? One thing for sure... If the blade is not flexible enough they will be left with their shelves full of useless dancing swords...but they may well be selling them onto the unsuspecting tourist market...( that I can tell you is what is happening) Correct your terminology since these are not "so called dancing swords"... They are dancing swords for pageant only. Perhaps that is what you are missing?
~ see anecdotal proof at "Kattara for comments." # 299. ~

Ibrahiim al Balooshi.
I agree it is classic design and NEW MADE, as it would appear are a lot now being sold on various websites based in the middle east. I find it interesting that there appears to be no mention against these advertised items mentioning "dance". One draws from this that either the seller is not aware of their use, or is not perhaps telling the whole story.
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