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Old 15th March 2012, 12:00 AM   #10
Martin Lubojacky
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Czech Republic
Posts: 841

Dear Iain,
Thank you very much for this research, I also enjoyed going through it a lot !
I would have two points:
As far as the map of the range of Takouba is concerned, I think we should go a little bit further to the north. The map should also involve the southern border of Tunisia (the point where tunisia borders with Algeria and Libia - the town of Ghadames - there used to be important camp of Azjer Tuaregs in front of this town in 19th century, it was, I think, considered as northern border of their natural habitat...,). Then - when we take into consideration the simmilarity of Takouba and Mandara swords, why not to mention the simmilarity of Tokouba and relativly rare Berber broadswords - I think from Tunisia, but I am not 100% sure, maybe also Ageria. They used to have handles completely made of wood or horn, but the profile was simmilar.
Thank you once mor for your good work.
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