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Old 13th March 2012, 10:50 PM   #6
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Default Chinese "River Pirate" knives

Here is my contribution. A double knife "River Pirate" knife. The absence of a hand guard distinguishes the "river pirate" type from other hudiedao. The knives can be quickly reversed in the hand and used with the unsharpened back edge to subdue an opponent without lethal cuts. Both of these knives have very thick and stiff pattern-welded blades of a very distinctive form and quite a substantial strength, retaining sharp edges and showing considerable aged patina. These blades have thick wedge shaped blades with a broad waist and diamond shape near the hilt. The grips are old wood or possibly horn, and all brass mounts show heavy patina and wonderful multi-sided graining to the guards and pommels. The faceted heavy brass pommel provides the knives with excellent balance in the hand. The leather scabbard is whole but in relatively poor condition compared to the knives. The overall length of each knife is 14 ¼ inches and each blade is 10 ¼ inches. Both knives house in the scabbard measuring 14 ¾ inches.
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