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Old 13th March 2012, 06:37 PM   #4
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Hi A.alnakkas,
thanks, I'm quite pleased with it ....much better quality than I thought it would be (only had pictures before)

Originally Posted by Ibrahiim al Balooshi
Salaams katana ~ Nice new Omani flexi bladed 3 fuller ( Abu thalatha musayil) SAYF. Not a fighting weapon but a pageantry sword only used in the Omani Funoon in the Razha or sword genre and mimic fighting posturing (al yalaah!) where the idea is to score the winning point by touching the thumb (the left one holding the ters shield of the opponent with the round tip.) Kindly see the big thread on the discussion at Kattara for comments. We were meeting friends today and around the table was plus of 100 years experience in this sword; we all have stores selling such pieces.. represented were Muscat, Nizwa and Buraimi shop owners and there was a fair amount of mirth about during the discussion of dancing swords as weapons. Naturally these things could cause a load of damage but they simply aren't and never were, battle swords... Same way that a farmhouse table leg isn't a war club... but it would hurt !

Ibrahiim al Balooshi.
Salaams Ibrahiim,
I can see your point, but the blade does not fit your description of a dancing sword blade.

Blade is not flexible enough to bend 90 degrees ....this one around 45 degrees similar to a lot of British regulation swords I have in my collection. The steel seems of good quality and as mention before the edges are sharp ...a gentle honing would create a very keen edge. "touching the thumb" of a 'dance' partner with this particular blade could leave them 'thumb-less'.
I am not saying that this is a battle sword .....but its not a dance one either. Perhaps this was made to order with a more functional blade

Kind Regards David
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