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Old 13th March 2012, 01:24 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Alexander
Dear friends. I want to ask you:
1. In what year have removed from arms troopers sword 1908?
2. I looked factory Pooley sword and they exist till now. Factory Weyersberg, Krischbaum in such kind doesn't make (only officer). Whether these swords NCO'S could belong?
3. What was a way of fastening of a belt to middle band?
Respect, Alexander.
Hello Alexander,

Finally a thread on this nice sword.
I am not an expert, but I like this sword specifically because it has been in actual use during WW1. Your example is dated 1912 ('12)

1. : I am sure they are still being carried by "the Kings Own Royal Horse Artillery". as a troopers sword / lower ranks.
3. : Normally they should have 2 round loops on the scabbard for attaching them to the saddle with a special horseshoe pouch/swordcarrier.
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