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Old 9th March 2012, 12:33 PM   #41
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Well KuKulz, i'm sorry that my questions are driving you you deep sighs...
When you speak of your knife in hand, which one are you referring to, the one in post #31 or #26.
Mr. Maisey has just pretty much expressed why i am leaning towards utilitarian purpose so i won't repeat his words. Certainly any edged blade can be used to do harm, but i don't get that as the main purpose of most of these blades. The much larger grooved variety might be different.
I actually brought up the difference in the two "types" of siraui to question if these are not in fact two completely different knives with different names. The name game can get quite ridiculous at times, but one thing we know for sure is that established writers have not always gotten them exactly right at times.
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