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Old 9th March 2012, 09:29 AM   #9
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Hi Fernando,

@ Jim,
a pleasure to meet you back on the forum, schiavona are your specialty, I believe!

I have consulted and updated my old schiavona knowledge and literature and have come to the conclusion that your schiavona is older as I originally expected.
There is an almost identical schiavona with a single-edged blade and similar hilt in the Stibbert Museum; inv 4873 and dated Venice 1620-1650.

Now that we're arrived at the Stibbert, I can not ignore the finest schiavona I know;
inv 2814 Veneto 1650, wonderful work of art.

So your Schiavona most probably comes from venice and I would date it without shame around 1650 latest.

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