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Old 7th March 2012, 10:42 PM   #14
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

I had intended to stay out of this discussion, for a number of reasons that do not bear airing here, however, in my opinion this keris (blade only) dates from the period 1850 to 1940, it is probably East Javanese, the dress is the product of a rather unskilled maker, there are no kraton influences, the hilt is incorrect for the wrongko as the integral mendak is a form usually associated with sandang walikat, and the overall kagok form of the hilt gives the impression that the maker has seen the Jogja form of this hilt and then tried give it size to which this form is not suited.

I am uncertain from the photos whether the blade has a slorok, or not, and this does have a bearing on appraisal of quality level, and assessment of age. In the hand I feel that I would probably tend towards an earlier date than the period I have nominated.

All in all, it is an interesting piece.
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