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Old 4th March 2012, 11:39 PM   #262
David R
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Originally Posted by Ibrahiim al Balooshi
Salaams David~ Morris dancing.. ? I think that is a festive seasonal English pageant structure built arround ancient beliefs no? In which case it is the same sort of reasoning behind the Funoon traditions in Oman but in the Morris they use sticks and bells (and drink lots of cider !) Its a tradition but the idea is similar)... There is a dance routine enactment on web just tap into search Omani Sword Fighting I think..
Ibrahiim al Balooshi.
There are actualy two traditions of sword dancing in Morris, one with a conventional "sword", and the other with a grip at each end of the blade so it can be held by two dancers at the same time. It is believed the double grip originated in the use of horse grooming tool as a sword substitute. Just one of those oddities we have here in the UK.
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