Thread: Pamor Questions
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Old 4th March 2012, 09:05 PM   #9
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,965

Thank you for your comment Karttikeya.

I guess I'd better let the people I know in Jawa and Madura who have explained pamor ceplok to me that they're wrong.

The first time it was explained to me was perhaps 30 years ago, and the person who explained it was a dealer in Pasar Turi in Surabaya. He likened it to a fried egg. Nobody since then has disagreed with this.

But they could all be wrong. Even Karaton empus don't know everything.

In any case, it’s a pretty simple choice, both ceplok and ceblok are Javanese words, one means "a round mark", or "fried egg", the other means "to drop".
Take your pick. Think about what the pamor looks like and then decide what is its correct name. Ceblok is a verb. Ceplok can be an adjective or a noun.

Javanese is primarily a spoken language ( as opposed to Kawi, which is primarily a written language). It is what linguists refer to as an"un-standardized language" . Vowels are pretty much interchangeable at the whim of the speaker, consonants are very often difficult to differentiate:- "t" and "d" sound the same, "p" and "b" sound the same, and there are other consonants that either sound the same or are changed at the whim of the user.

The difficulty comes when the original script is romanised and the spelling needs to fit into a European thought pattern.

There is one thing that we need to understand when we are considering any printed reference for keris:- even if that reference was produced by a Javanese person who really did understand keris, if it was written in Roman text whatever is written needs to be understood against the background of common usage, and in context. If one does not live in Javanese society, this background and the necessary experience to understand what is written does not exist.

Now, to address your specific question Karttikeya.

You say you understand what pamor tambal is. OK.

Now think about this:- although pamor tambal is most often roundish in form, it need not necessarily be so. It is just a patch of material that has been stuck onto the face of a blade, as such it can be any shape, and it is still pamor tambal provided that it has been applied to the face of the blade.
Pamor ceplok refers to the shape of the pamor, not to the method which produced it:- it can be produced by pamor manipulation, surface manipulation, or as a tambal.

Ceplok is form. Tambal is technique.

If this black patch on your keris is a plug, quite frankly I don't know what to call it, because it is no longer pamor:- it penetrates and forms a part of the blade.

Something that just occurred to me:- there is a timoho pattern that is also known as ceplok, and it has the same characteristics as the pamor that I know as ceplok, that is, circular markings, like blobs of black paint on the wood.One of the well known keris books has this in it somewhere, but I don't have time to go looking.

Last edited by A. G. Maisey; 5th March 2012 at 06:37 AM. Reason: Afterthought
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