Hi Gav,
really no problem! But I haven't pay much for the rugi and the Timor swords I didn't buy by some reason. But I have to disagree for minimum the first two shown Timor swords since I have handled them. The blades are old cut down european blades and the handles are from horn which was very patinated and worn (see attached pictures). When this two swords are recent I don't want to be named collector anymore!!

Please have a good look to the shown pictures, I am sure you will change your mind. Until horn will look like this it will need decades. The third Timor sword isn't old like the first two, handle was from wood, I would place it middle last century.
And by the rugi you may be correct, like before I would place it from middle to last half of last century. So we agree by this one.
But otherwise as you I am very sure that all shown swords was in use at one point of it's history. I can post close up pictures from the rugi as well where you can see patina, real patina, not managed to look old.
And I am sure by the source from where I have get it, he was very fair and direct told me that the rugi isn't very old.
Best regards,