Thread: Jambiya plastic
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Old 3rd March 2012, 07:48 AM   #8
Ibrahiim al Balooshi
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Originally Posted by ericlaude
I found in a lot of weapons that I bought, which I think this Jambiya old, but its handle is plastic, it is a gadget for tourist.
Someone can tell me more?
Thank you in advance

Salaams ericlaude ~

Thankyou for the excellent pictures of The Omani Khanjar..

1. The hilt could be a bakelite or plastic variant which looks like it has been burned or covered in pitch/perhaps the material that welds the blade in place... A resin.

2. The item looks original and is unusual for a few reasons notably;

a. The vertical grooves in the hilt above the cuff number 33. Reflected in the same number of verticals above the belt section (IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII) The 33 names of God in the short form. The number of prayer beads in a normal short string (the long form is 99)
b. The 3 ridge blade taking after the 3 ridge or 3 fuller sword blade called abu thalath musayil.. ? The one with the three...As for watered steel; Omani Khanjars don't have wootz blades....Not Omani Style.
c. The peculiar geometry on the scabbard reflected in the toe (Quba) may indicate an out of Oman Khanjar style possibly UAE.

This Omani made Khanjar poses a number of question and could be from the Shimaliyya (northern region) or the Sharqiyya(eastern region) or in fact made in Oman for the UAE market. Certainly it is not a tourist job.

I need to tout this question around a while before we can be sure.

Meanwhile please see The Omani Khanjar which is a growing resource on this specialised weapon. The Omani Khanjar

Ibrahiim al Balooshi.
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